4 years ago

My Mom went to Community Medical Center for a stro...

My Mom went to Community Medical Center for a stroke she had where she met Wetstein. Wetstein came in for around 3 minutes to tell my mom that she needed a loop recorder. Wetstein ordered she should not eat the day of surgery. The next day Wetstein came in at 5pm for around 3 minutes to say she didn't need the surgery because the other doctor told him so. She has diabetes and went 14 hours total without eating. She had no insulin the day of surgery and her sugar ended up going too high.

We ended up getting a bill for $1,000 for which he claims he had to fill out paperwork and look over reports. We thought the bill wasn't appropriate and didn't have the money to pay it otherwise. He was out of network from Blue Cross Blue Shield and I have no idea why he was allowed to come in to visit my mom in the first place. He ends up suing us along with others the day of court and he won.

Other reviewers on other websites have similar experiences to ours. He pushes unneeded surgeries that he most likely knows you don't need trying to get money. Wetstein is unprofessional, doesn't have a care in the world, and is greedy, he will do anything to get more money. I can't believe he is still licensed and is a Dr, after everyone's experience with him. He's the type of guy that would see a homeless person drop $5 and take it. Stay far away from this guy, refuse his care and ask for someone else to treat you.

If you have been treated by Wetstein and have a similar experience with ours or other reviewers on other websites please file a complaint and report him for fraud. Let's bring an end to his malpractices, we need numerous reports to do so. I'm sure he can also be sued for the scams he is doing and wouldn't be able to practice medicine any longer if we all came together.

Update: Charged $14 interest on our $25 payments for his bill which was not agreed upon. Said after we paid him he would submit the bill to Medicare, hasn't done so. Ended up needing a surgery he said my mom didn't need. REPORT TO MEDICAL BOARD!


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