A Cartier
Review of La Jolla Kayak

4 years ago

3.5 stars

3.5 stars

So the staff here is an easy 4 stars... fun, friendly, and informative enough to keep your interest for the few moments when we stop. The condition of the kayaks seems pretty decent too. I did the La Jolla Cave kayaking tour and I know you can't control nature. So whether you see any animals or the caves shouldn't be guaranteed at all but I think it's oversold in it's ads. If you level out saying this is a kayak touring of the LJ coastline and if we have time to see the caves, then we could see them. I won't be having as much issue.

Perhaps we got the worst day but we only saw one seal lounging in the sun and very few birds. The flip side is that it didn't stink. From most ads, this would be stating the abundance of animals. I think the most animals we saw were the blurry orange blobs on the bottom of the ocean. Those were fishes that inspired Dr. Seuss apparently.

As for the cave part... for starters, 200% kudos to our guide. She was great, careful, and thoughtful. This is not to be done without them. It can be a bit scary as the ocean is unrelenting when throwing the stronger waves in to the caves. Crashing into the walls and being thrown under the waves is a real possibility. You only maybe get 60 seconds in there (if not less) to admire how amazing it looks. I thought the tour included more opportunities than 60s in one cave. I read back to the ads and it says 'caveS' ... emphasis on the plural part for me.

Overall, I liked our guide a lot but my expectations from the ads were much higher. If they re-did the ad to be more honest about what they're offering, this would be easy 4 star. Fun guides kayaking across the ocean preserve below the La Jolla cliffs. Not La Jolla Caves kayaking tour with animals to see.


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