
4 years ago

(This is from Melanie, Bob's wife.)

(This is from Melanie, Bob's wife.)
I love this place! It's so much more than a financial institution. Synergy is a "professional friend" to help us make the best current and future financial decisions. The physical office is amazing. As soon as you enter the reception area, you feel "Welcomed," from the moment Carol the receptionist greets you until you're seated for your appointment. She asks immediately if there's anything you'd like to drink, and if it's coffee, for example, it's prepared and delivered to your seat. The Reception area is beautiful and the decor always highlights the current season (I always want to go out and purchase the same things for my home). The Fireplace is very classy and cozy all year long. So take a quick look around, because you never wait long, your Advisor is ready to escort you to the office where your finances and reviews are discussed. There's always a family friendly banter with Jason. He's just excellent! No question is left unanswered. He is thorough in his research for you. We also dealt with Tom for our Income Tax preparations and Sam for our Medicare reviews and were very satisfied. When the visit is over, you truly feel you were in good hands with resource energy for the future. I'm not shy in telling others about Synergy.
And by all means, before you leave, a trip to the Restrooms is a must! Warning: Be prepared to chuckle!
Bob and Melanie Tappe


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