Bill Riggall

3 years ago

On 10-08-19 my wife drove me to the Er on Georgia ...

On 10-08-19 my wife drove me to the Er on Georgia st. Nursing staff was attentive and appeared genuinely concerned about my condition. Dr came in quickly also seemingly concerned and began treating me right away.
A ct was ordered and the tech questioned her ability to conduct the test because of my iv being in my neck. She learned it was fine and wanted me to be out of bed and into the wheel chair. When I explained I couldn t move that many times, she made it know to is all she wasn t happy.
Dr then order more pain meds due to me still experiencing so much pain. He also told us he was admitting me for pain control and further evaluation. I agreed and ems was called due to iv and meds. I was also severely nauseated. While being taken by ambulance I was given zofram to help the nausea.
At the hospital I was taken to room 522A and assisted to the hospital bed and covered Nurse came in and did a brief look at me and took my vitals. The dr came in soon after looked at my stomach and listened to my lungs. When I explained how much pain I was in he asked the nurse what medication I have been given so far. She told him 8mg of morphine and 200 mcg of fentenyl . I didn t want any miss information given so I said that wasn t right I was only given 100mcg of fentenyl. She then replied that s not what our record show the doctor then walked toward the door and said he wasn t ordering any more opioids and was thinking of Tylenol. And commented as he left they he disagrees with the other doctors diagnosis.
The nurse left after him closing the door as she exited. After some time the bed alarm started going off and no one came to check. I pushed the call button explaining the alarm was going off. the nurse walked in and found the bed alarm had gone off because the lock was set. I again asked the nurse isn t there anything you can do to help me. Her reply was that she needed to wait on the doctors orders before she can do anything. On leaving she asked if I wanted the room light off. I said it doesn t matter. She left and closed the door. After a while of being left in this room, in severe pain, no one willing to help me I thought if I called a supervisor they might help. After requesting a supervisor to the room it wasn t long before my nurse and the supervisor came in and asked if she could help me standing with her armed crossed. I explained my frustration and need for someone to help me. Her reply was the same, the nurse is waiting on the doctors orders to get here. I the asked if I can get pillows or someone to rub my back, something to help. My nurse looked at the supervisor and said, I m not rubbing his back the supervisor then said, well there you go . Then both turned and left the room. This time the supervisor asked if I wanted the door closed or open. I told her this time she better close it because I didn t want others to hear me moan.
Not long after the nurse returned asking about home meds and items I brought with me like my wallet, dentures, ect. When I asked her if she planned to leave me in this room and not help me. She said that the dr had said that at 8am I can have my normal home medications. I explain that because of the Er visit I never took my 10pm meds and I couldn t wait that long. She said I could AMA and go take my home meds now. I agreed that I would be treated better at home than I was being treated here and said I would sign it. She returned with a computer pad and I signed where I was asked to. I was then told that I need to be out within 30 minutes because housekeeping needed to clean it. She refused to help me gather my belonging or call for a ride.
I called my wife and she came right way to get me.
After gathering my belongings I walked out


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