4 years ago

In the 2018/19 Budget, it is proposed to increase ...

In the 2018/19 Budget, it is proposed to increase and widen the salaries tax band, lower the marginal tax rate, and add other concessions and tax exemptions. According to the budget attached to the budget, a summary booklet for the public is distributed. The authorities have cited three categories The tax deduction for a typical Hong Kong family.

The first example is that a single person has a total annual income of 300,000 yuan and must support an elderly person aged 60 or above who lives with him. According to the authority's pamphlet, he will be taxed at $2,020 in 2017/18; if the new relief measures are passed by the Legislative Council, he will only have to pay $1,180, saving $840, a 42% reduction.

The second example is that one married couple has a total annual income of 500,000 yuan, and needs to support one non-cohabiting elder 60 years or older and one child. The 2017/18 salary tax is 2,790 yuan; 2018 /19 is expected to pay only 960 yuan in tax, saving 1,830 yuan, a reduction of 66%.

The third example is that both couples have jobs, the total annual income is 700,000 yuan, and they have to support 2 children. In 2017/18, they have to pay salaries tax of 20,595 yuan; in 2018/19, they are expected to pay only 10,540 yuan. The tax was RMB 10,055, a 49% reduction.

A government source explained that this time it is proposed to increase and widen the salary tax band and lower the marginal tax rate. Because the government has a generous surplus, the government can afford it, so it hopes to reduce the burden on taxpayers. As for how to resolve long-term issues such as the narrow tax base in Hong Kong, such as studying sales tax, there are still major controversies in society, and this is not a short-term goal.

Measures involving salaries tax are as follows:

-The salaries tax band has been expanded to 50,000 yuan and increased from 4 to 5 tax bands. The measures will reduce the tax burden of 1.34 million taxpayers and reduce tax revenue by 4.09 billion yuan each year

-Increase the basic and additional tax allowances for children to 120,000 yuan, benefit 335,000 taxpayers, and reduce tax revenue by 1.31 billion yuan each year

-Increasing the tax allowance for dependent parents or grandparents will benefit about 607,000 taxpayers and reduce annual tax revenue by about 580 million yuan.

Dependent parent or grandparent allowance:

-The tax allowance for supporting parents or grandparents aged 60 or above will be increased to 50,000 yuan; the additional tax allowance for taxpayers who live with their parents or grandparents throughout the year will be increased by the same amount

-The allowance for supporting parents or grandparents aged 55 to 59 will be increased to RMB 25,000; the additional allowance for taxpayers who live with their parents or grandparents for the whole year will be increased by the same amount

-If parents or grandparents live in residential care homes for the elderly, the deduction ceiling for elderly residential care expenses will be increased to 100,000 yuan.

Q1. What are the application requirements for self-study students?
Those who meet one of the following conditions can apply for the exam as a self-study student:

(a) have taken the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination, or equivalent examination, or
(b) Calculated on January 1st of the year of this exam, he is 19 years old, or
(c) Not taking the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination course, but have completed the examination one year before the examination or are taking a course equivalent to Form 6

However, the HKEAA will consider it on a case-by-case basis.

Q2. Date of registration?
The registration period for the HKDSE each year is from September to mid-October.

Some netizens said that if you apply for the exam for free, it's okay to "play scare". (Screenshot of LianDang discussion area)

Originally from the seminary students cannot apply for certain subjects. (Profile picture)

Q3. What subjects can I apply for?
The examination subjects of the HKDSE are divided into three categories: A, B and C:

(a) Category A: High school subjects
Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, General Studies, Chinese Literature, English Literature, Economics, Ethics and Religion, Geography, History, Tourism and Hospitality, Enterprise, Accounting and Financial Introduction, Health Management and Social Care, Information and Communication Technology, Music , Physical Education (If there is a school-based assessment for the above subjects, self-study students do not need to participate, and only public examination results are calculated for all subjects).

Special circumstances: Visual Arts must submit a portfolio to replace school-based assessment;
If you are applying for Biology/Chemistry/Physics/Combined Science/Integrated Science/Technology and Life, you must prove that you have taken the diploma examination of the subject in the past, or the equivalent public examination.

(b) Category B is only available to school candidates, unless there are special circumstances.

(c) Category C: Other languages
French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Spanish, Urdu

[Budget] The next free DSE exam netizens call admission "play scare" candidates: raise your hands high

[Budget] DSE exam fee will be paid on behalf of netizens competing to register: keep adding paper to disturb the enemy

High-scoring DSE students share their experience, saying that a 2,000-square-foot unit in Repulse Bay is shared for trial. Netizen: away from the sun

Q4. How many subjects can I apply for at most?
The total cannot exceed the upper limit of 8 subjects

Q5. Self-study students and day school students draw Curve separately?
According to information from the HKEAA, the HKDSE no longer uses the "curve" method, that is, it will not compare the results of candidates in the same year, but will use a level reference model to report the performance levels of candidates based on the level standards of relevant subjects.

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In the 2018/19 Budget, it is proposed to increase and widen the salaries tax band, lower the marginal tax rate, and add other concessions and tax exemptions. According to the budget attached to the budget, a summary booklet for the public is distributed. The authorities have listed three categories The tax deduction for a typical Hong Kong family.

The first example is that a single person has a total annual income of 300,000 yuan and must support an elderly person aged 60 or above who lives with him. According to the authority s pamphlet, he will have to pay $2,020 in taxes for 2017/18; if the new relief measure is passed by the Legislative Council, he will only have to pay $1,180, saving $840, a reduction of 42%.

The second example is that one married couple has a total annual income of 500,000 yuan, and needs to support one non-cohabiting elder aged 60 or above and one child. The 2017/18 salary tax is 2,790 yuan; 2018 /19 is expected to pay only 960 yuan in tax, saving 1,830 yuan, a reduction of 66%.

The third example is that both couples have jobs, the total annual income is 700,000 yuan, and they have to support 2 children. In 2017/18, they have to pay salaries tax of 20,595 yuan; in 2018/19, they are expected to pay only 10,540 yuan. The tax was RMB 10,055, a 49% reduction.

A government source explained that this time it is proposed to increase and widen the salary tax band and lower the marginal tax rate. Because the government has a generous surplus, the government can afford it, so it hopes to reduce the burden on taxpayers. As for how to resolve long-term issues such as the narrow tax base in Hong Kong, such as studying sales tax, there are still major controversies in society, and this is not a short-term goal.

Measures involving salaries tax are as follows:

-The salaries tax band has been expanded to 50,000 yuan, and increased from 4 to 5 tax bands. The measures will reduce the tax burden of 1.34 million taxpayers and reduce tax revenue by 4.09 billion yuan each year

-Increase the basic and additional tax allowances for children to 120,000 yuan, benefit 335,000 taxpayers, and reduce tax revenue by 1.31 billion yuan each year

-Increasing the tax allowance for dependent parents or grandparents will benefit about 607,000 taxpayers and reduce annual tax revenue by about 580 million yuan.

Dependent parent or grandparent allowance:

-The allowance for supporting parents or grandparents aged 60 or above will be increased to 50,000 yuan; the additional allowance for taxpayers who live with their parents or grandparents throughout the year will be increased by the same amount

-The allowance for supporting parents or grandparents aged 55 to 59 will be increased to RMB 25,000; the additional allowance for taxpayers who live with their parents or grandparents for the whole year will be increased by the same amount

-If parents or grandparents live in residential care homes for the elderly, the deduction ceiling for elderly residential care expenses will be increased to 100,000 yuan.


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