Rose Rothamel

3 years ago

I saw the dog that stole my heart on their website...

I saw the dog that stole my heart on their website. I called to inquire and found out there were no applications out on him and they were trying to keep him and another dog together, which I would have done. I hadn't heard back in over a reach and called and sent 1 email following-up and got a very short and rude reply from a Dorothy. She said the the dog I wanted had several applications out on him and they were trying to find the perfect fit. Understandable, but how can you determine a perfect fit without seeing all of the candidates who are interested?? I didn't get to meet the dog, or the facility in person. Very very discouraging. I felt like a never had a chance and I believe there is some sort of favoritism involved. I wouldn't bother get your hopes up with this place.

After seeing my review, Dorothy had the nerve to send me a long email insulting me and defending herself and her "professionalism". The fact that she couldn't bother to correspond with me during several weeks during the process, but miraculously had the time to send this email a day or 2 after I posted it says all you need to know about this place. As I replied to her email, she shot back several emails hurling more insults. So, this is the character of the person approving these applications. It was poorly handled on all accounts. Not everyone is considered fairly. Also, I had stated I would be interested in learning more about taking both dogs together. In her last email she stated I did not mention that. I re-sent the email stating that I was interested. She shot back " learning more is not the same is being interested". Instead of asking me what I wanted to know about taking them both! I was told the dogs came from a bad hoarding situation and 2 of the dogs and a few cats had to be put down due to health reasons because of the hoarding. I wanted to know if Babs or Rhett would need special care or had health issues. This is a responsible and reasonable thing someone would want to know! And it was responsible to ask this question. But, not only was I not given a chance, but now I am being harassed!! DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS WOMAN!!!! Maybe, there is someone there more suitable to handle the applications and correspondence. The staff seemed nice and animals are always amazing.


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