Code Optimization Ware

4 years ago

Thieving a**holes took insurance payments from me,...

Thieving a**holes took insurance payments from me, for, by the end (several hours at that), doing nothing more than taking up my time in their ER more like an over-crowded waiting room, refusing to provide a transportation ticket to return home after leaving, and then I was assaulted on the public sidewalk outside the hospital building by hospital "security" and another hospital employee like gang-banging street punks, plainly because that insurance-stealing quack-domain hires criminals over people, even violent criminals...to prey upon ill people who make the mistake of going there expecting legitimate medical care for their insurance instead of being made a victim of their funded criminal-activity.

The Spanish Inquisition, in New York City, in the 21st century!? Oh, I'd expect it from THEM. This medical insurance holder will never seek legitimate health care from Maladymaze ever again. I would've expected more, but now I know better. Rot in Hell, criminals. My medical insurance is for legitimate medical purposes only, see.


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