4 years ago

One of the worst dining experiences I've ever had ...

One of the worst dining experiences I've ever had !
On recommendation of the venue and it's riverside location, my folks booked a table for 14 to celebrate my 56th birthday.
When the waitress was distributing glasses for a toast drink of 'Proscecco' she omitted my 20 year old nephew, when questioned, she said he didn't look old enough.
Ordinarily this shouldn't be a problem, but it turned into one due to the patronising and condescending nature of the approach the staff used to deal with the matter.
After the manageress came over to view the ID that was produced
and the matter was eventually resolved, tantamount to them doing us a massive favour for accepting his ID, we all got on with our day and looked forward to getting on with our family celebrations.
I ordered a fillet steak, 'medium rare' pink and juicy in the middle !
When it arrived, it was overcooked, 'well done' grey and dry in the middle.
The waitress asked if I would like to order something else or would I like another steak done again, which I said I did.
Nearly 25 mins later another steak arrived, this time it was 'blue' in the middle, 'raw/rare' !!
As the waitress had waited as I cut into it, she took it straight back to the kitchen to be cooked a bit more.
It came back nearly 10 mins later, further scorched on the outside but still totally 'blue' in the middle.
All this was being dealt with in the same irritating patronising tone and manner as the earlier issue with the age clarification of my nephew, which was really starting to grate on my nerves !
She came back 10mins later with a blackened ball of meat clearly facetiously overcooked again, again she asked me if I would like to order anything else, but the situation had now reached a point where everyone else had finished their meal and I didn't feel much like eating a meal on my own whilst everyone else looked on.
Along with this and the continued tone of the waitress, it became more than I could take without blowing my top and making a scene, as such I stood quietly and left the room.
Like a lot of Gastropubs, the owners spend a lot of money on the venue, which was lovely, but seek to save money on poorly experienced staff and general food sourcing.
None of our party rated the food with any regard, but at the end of the day what can you expect ?
If you can't cook a steak, your not a cook let alone a chef !!


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