Belinda Tipton

4 years ago

I am so disappointed with the nanagement at Ameris...

I am so disappointed with the nanagement at Ameristar St. Charles. My sister and I decided to go do some gambling and have a drink or two after 6 days at the hospital with our mother. After dropping $400 between the two of us we were approached by LT and Tony, and were questioned on our sobriety. We decided to leave the establishment since they had the gall to question us after 3 bloody marys that we were served without question. We were sitting on a bench in the atrium when LT approached us not once but twice and said we could stay. That after review of their video it was concluded that we were not intoxicated. Never in my life have I been so humiliated for no reason. We have been on watch over our 80 year old mother who has had 2 major surgeries over the last 4 days. This was our night OFF and since we had a room for 5 nights we thought we could let off sone steam and have a good time. We were having a good time until this incident. I would hope that in the future you train your bartenders like other establishments to access a patrons sobriety to prevent embarrassing your customers. I hope anyone reading this thinks twice before giving Ameristar any business. I have never felt so belittled. And I am sad. This is where over the years we would gather with family and friends to celebrate different occasions.


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