Jesse Hopkins

4 years ago

This was the worst experience ever! My brother wa...

This was the worst experience ever! My brother was scheduled to have a feeding tube installed @ 9:00am 12/19/16, he has throat cancer and has been under going Chemo and Radiation treatments since 11/17/12. These treatments have cause his throat to be very sore and causing problems for him to eat and be able to swallow. After arriving at the hospital his vital signs were done and determined that he had a temperature of 101, Dr. Cory that was to perform this procedure spoke with my brother about his temperature and, at that time my brother showed him a card that his Cancer doctor (Dr. Tally) had gave him. The card said, if his temperature was 100.5 or above that he was to go to the Emergency room. Dr. Cory then proceeded to call Dr. Tally. After that phone call Dr. Cory told my brother that Dr. Tally was an older Doctor and that they butted heads a little, he then told my brother that Dr. Tally wanted to see him, told him to get dressed and walk down to Dr. Tallys office. Dr. Tallys office is at the Susan Cannon Cancer Center, almost 1/4 from entrance of the hospital and it's 9 degrees outside that day, my brother walked to the door and looked and realized how far it was and, went back to the nurse and asked if he was really supposed to walk there. Luckily this was a good nurse and she said absolutely not, and got a Sheriff to drive him there. After being checked out by Dr. Tally, they discovered my brother temperature was normal. The surgery was reschedule to 1:00pm that afternoon, (after some intense discussion with Dr. Cory form Dr. Tally). Surgery went well and my brother was admitted (room 427)to stay over night to insure his body accepted the feeding tube. From this point he was treated like crap for the most part, he was on clear liquid diet but never fed anything until after 7:30pm on 12/20/16, he prescribed a mouthwash that he was to rinse with 4 to 6 times a day because, his mouth was raw from radiation treatments and to help protect his teeth, he didn't receive this mouth wash until late morning of 12/21/16, and then was only gave this wash twice and the bottle was half empty already. He was only supposed to be in hospital over night, one of his nurses even asked why he was still there at 7:30pm on 12/20/16. At 1:00pm on 12/21/16 James asked nurse to disconnect his IV so he could leave, the nurse (Mark) to him they needed to get release paper work ready before he could leave. Dr. Tally came to my brothers room to sign release papers and asked why he was still there, and said that he was supposed to go home the day before. My brother was told by nurses that he would be taught too use feeding tube, and gave a case of Javity 1.2 to take with him to use until his home health nurse could get with him. He was never taught how to do this, he was not given any equipment to feed his self. 4 bottles of Javity 1.2 was brought to his room for him to take home, and his nurse (Mark) seen them and said no way, you don't get all that and took 3 of the 4 bottles away. 12/22/16 my brother is now home, his home health nurse comes to his house to check on him. She asked where his equipment was to feed his self and clean the tube, he explains he didn't receive any and, all that he has is a large syringe that was left in his hospital room that brought home with him. The home health nurse than asked what all the green stuff was on his stomach around the feeding tube, the nurses had never Cleaned him, and told him he was only allowed to take a sponge bath while have this feeding tube.
So to sum this all up, My brother was abused by your nursing staff, Dr. Cory, his meds., were stolen from him by nurses or someone on staff, his food to take home was taken from him. This has got to be the worst hospital ever.


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