Mohammed Sharif

3 years ago

In Humane, In sensitive , Horror!!!

In Humane, In sensitive , Horror!!!
This sad incident happened to us, and I cannot imagine such people exist in Canada. My friends family ( Parents, Daughter 6-, Son 3) , and 3 other friends including me , rented two Canoe's on 6th of August around 6.30 pm, and when we were renting we were told like 100 rules in five seconds , one of them being that not to get down from Canoe, which we missed.
On reaching the other side of the lake, my friends family and three of us got out of the canoe on shore, and there was an Asian family with little children who did the same. At that point 2 employees of the Canoe rental came in a Speed boat and told us since we breached a rule, they will take back the canoes and took the life jackets from us, and asked us to walk back using the trail. and mind you , to reach the trail you have to cross multiple freezing glacier water streams.
When we pointed out we have small kids who do not know how to swim, and its risky to carry them through this multiple little stream which has freezing water, the employee , actual words were " We don't care , you broke the rule you walk", where is the compassion?, where is the Canadian in you?, to help, to understand, they are little kids, and none of knew how to swim, all they wanted was to punish us, on lot of protest and arguing they finally relented to take just the kids, when we said we have no body to take care of them on the other side, she again said we cannot help you, after more protest they agreed to take the mom on the boat back, but men had to cross the creek with freezing water no life jackets to reach the trail, two of us fell in water. and these employees saw us falling still they did not reach out to help. its so sad. So with our clothes and shoes wet, we walked all the way back.
I felt so so sad after this incident, this is not the Canada, we wished for.


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