The HamBone
Review of De Cervesia

4 years ago

I had a chance to visit Lucca a little while back....

I had a chance to visit Lucca a little while back..
While doing the typical tourist things, I found starring googly eyed at the vintage Italian folding bikes. The roomy U frame, the welded on back rack.. they just seemed to neat, I fell in love. I had a day to myself within and around Lucca, so obsessively decided to find one to bring home.

From open bike shop, to market, to thrift store, to 'nother bike shop.. I kept coming up short. Every time I thought I found my new bike, "mine, that's how I got here"

to which I would just offer more money too.

Eventually I found a back alley and followed the sounds of a spray paint can, where I found hip looking individual in the back room of bike shop giving a bike frame a new coat of paint. This, had felt extra serendipitous, as my current job was actually painting bike, as well. Not only did he tell me stories of their annual fixed gear race on the walls of this ancient city. He also didn't have the bike I was looking for. Nor' did he rent me a fixie. He did however give me great conversation, help break some of the language barrier, and give me some good leads and reasons these bikes were hard to find.

The very best thing I learned that day, and from my bike painting counterpart, was there was a really cool craft beer store in town, "De Cervesia Beershop".

I had walked miles, and miles, and with no bike to show for my efforts. Exhausted, I opened the door to a little beer shop, not far from the hotel I was staying. Inside there was an awesome selection of some really good beers. The fellow working was, very friendly and helped me make my choices. Some really good Italian craft beers and others. My taste-buds finally completed their long wait for juicy hops, sour fruits, and dark malts. It really made my stay in Lucca that much better. There is something really comforting about finding those relevant, or relate-able spots in a far away land.

Having done some damage to the first stash, I went again to replenish. Once again, getting very friendly service, that made me feel welcomed and respected. We chatted about art and travel, and the gentleman (I am sorry i forget your name) told me about a comic book "get together" of sorts, where they go to the book store to read comics, and drink beer. I could live like that!!

Thanks for the tasty beverages, good vibes, and cool slaps. Hope you enjoyed the glass tops!

P.S, Oh I have two folding bikes now ;)


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