Izaskun Tellitu

3 years ago

Cepsa wishes you a happy Earth Day continuing with...

Cepsa wishes you a happy Earth Day continuing with the exploration and extraction of oil, exacerbating climate change.

Cheer up @Cepsa! We know you can do better, so we remind you that today, Earth Day, would be a good time to announce your alignment with the Paris Agreement.

As a company, you have a great responsibility @Cepsa. So today is the time to stop polluting the planet and be more respectful of it. Happy Earth Day!

@ Cepsa I know that you have taken certain measures to be more sustainable but you know that you can do much more and I hope that from you! happy Earth Day!

I welcome your commitment to reduce your carbon footprint, but I know that you can implement much more efficient and ambitious measures: abandon fossil fuels. Cheer up @cepsa, yes you can!

Aligning yourself with the Paris Agreement does not mean taking your side, but you really have to act so as not to contribute to global warming. Today, @Cepsa, is the perfect day for you to change your plans.

Continuing to burn oil is incompatible with planetary limits. @Cepsa, take advantage of Earth Day to announce when you will leave the fuel business


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