
jessica smith

3 years ago

I have a baby, my boyfriend and i took her to comm...

I have a baby, my boyfriend and i took her to community medical center. Not once but THREE times. they ignored my daughters medical needs when i KNEW something was wrong with my daughter when she was breathing. well the last time we went they where completely clueless and gave my daughter who is one years old a zofran and SENT us home. monday i take her to her pedi doctor and they end up putting her on a pulse ox to find her oxygen level to be low they told me i have to take her to jersey shore. So i did and not even FIVE minutes being there my daughter is admitted with oxygen and A iv in her arm. Then put in isolation because they failed to TEST my daughter for RSV when it was positive. So i highly recommend not to bring children to community medical center they look at the kids and say they are okay and because of them not doing whats right for my daughter she was hospitalized for three days!!
Hands down the WORST hospital. only go there for stitches!!


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