Auston Dructor, Realtor

3 years ago

An insulting experience in wasted time.

An insulting experience in wasted time.

No one comes to Walmart for the stellar customer experience and I didn't expect anything but an item delivered generally on time. I ordered an item that was meant to have come two weeks ago at this point and I suppose it did but came damaged. That's fine. Things happen. My qualm is that it arrived and they knew it was damaged but didn't let me know until now. I tracked the order, which showed that it was there, so I went to the store to speak to someone as by that point it was already late and figured it might be damaged or something. I check in and the guy working in the pick up section came over, saw it was there, changed his mind and went to speak with someone else behind the counter. He came back and said that it would be ready in a day or two (I'd already spoken to someone on the phone earlier that week with the same response) I asked if I could speak with a supervisor or someone to see if something was wrong and he said "No. Just come back in a day or two. You'll get an e-mail". I asked again if I could speak with someone and he again told me to come back in a day or two. Now, 5 days after that trip, I get an e-mail that it is damaged and they are refunding that. Was it too difficult to send that when it initial arrived two weeks ago?
I understand Walmart employees are not Walmart employees because they are exceptional individuals, but this scenario doesn't happen without a number of people pushing responsibilities onto other people so they don't have to deal with it.


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