John Rice

4 years ago

I must say that I'm surprised at many of the other...

I must say that I'm surprised at many of the other reviews here. My emergency room visit was terrible in every way imaginable. Nurses were rude; one was especially so. My wife, daughter and I were each absolutely taken aback at the things she was saying. Absolutely nasty.

I went in for a minor concern that potentially could put me at risk of flying, which I was doing the next day. There were no other patients there. They were very condescending and uncaring, and the rudest nurse even said that there's no such thing as "partial numbness." I wish I had a recording of her.

Eventually some "radiologist" came out to do an ultrasound on my leg, and spent about 30 seconds doing it. I've been through the process a few times because of my injury, and I've never had one performed so quickly or nonchalantly. I admit that I'm not an expert in radiology, but I don't believe he did anything but go through the motions.

After we had enough of the poor treatment we decided to leave. Live and learn, I guess. I wasn't too upset until I got the bill. Our part after insurance for absolutely no service at all was over $1,000. That was just for the hospital's part, not to mention other bills from the doctor we never saw or the radiologist who didn't do a thing. When we went to the hospital to dispute the bill, we found that the amount billed to insurance was over $10,000. For 30 minutes in the ER, checking vitals and faking an ultrasound...

We also discovered that they assign pricing levels (all hospitals do this) based on the seriousness of the condition. Level 1 is minor, while level 5 is extremely serious. They considered mine a level 4, which means that they charge much more for the same services.

Yep. Walk into a hospital and ask to have something checked out. Level 4. The second highest price tier.

After months of disputing the charges, writing letters, actually talking to the CFO, we finally settled with the collection agency for around 60%. I've had 3rd degree burns, broken bones, been shot with a nail gun and have been sewed up more times than I can count. I've never had anything short of being admitted that cost anywhere near what they charged. And the worst part is, I got absolutely nothing for my money. I challenge anyone to name another business besides a hospital that can force you to pay for service you never received.

If I could rate a negative I would. I suppose a single start will have to suffice. I've instructed my wife that if I'm ever in need of an emergency room and I'm unable to make my own decisions to drive however far is necessary to avoid an HCA hospital. In all my years, I have never been so disgusted with anyone I've done business with.


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