Brian M

4 years ago

Now on the new store, the site survey...

Now on the new store, the site survey...

the back of building 300' x 192'
grass small area east of building 36' x 72'
grass to the left of the dumpster 9' x 12'
grass to the right of the dumpster 10' x 21'
grass in back of the store 76.5' x 21'
grass on the west side of the store 104' x 15'
bushes and mulch on the east side of the store 48' x 4.5'
bushes and mulch in the front of the store 41' x 4.5'
bushes and mulch in the front of the store 9.5' x 4.5'
bushes and mulch in the front of the store 12' x 4.5'
bushes, trees and mulch in the parking lot area 17' x 21 '
bushes, trees and mulch in the parking lot area 17' x 12'
bushes, trees and mulch in the parking lot area 19' x 21'
grass, bushes and mulch on the west side of the parking lot 156' x 12'
grass, bushes and mulch on the east side of the parking lot 144' x 12'
bushes, trees and mulch in the parking lot 24' x 20'
bushes, and mulch in front of the parking lot 106' x 5'
grass in front of the parking lot 135' x 31'
grass nearest to the road 145' x 5'
grass on the south side of the east driveway leading out to Singleton 336' x 10'
grass on the nouth side of the east driveway leading out to Singleton 336' x 18'
grass on the west side of the front parking lot entrance south of the sidewalk 20' x 6'
grass on the west side of the front parking lot entrance north of the sidewalk 20' x 9'

total bushes on the property 867 including small bushes the size of a basket ball but still a bush is a bush and it must be maintained.

total trees 62 (that's 62 trees to trim around folks)

total parking spaces 35 (This store's property is over 2 acres)

Total sq ft of the property not including the parking lot driveway or other paved areas that would require mowing, and or weed eating or just removal of weeds in the mulch just under 85,000 sq ft including the retention pond portion. An acre is 43560 sq ft so this is just shy of 2 acres of land that needs maintenance every week!!!

The total price offered for this service $87.85

I kid you not!!

I was under the impression that it would be ALOT more than $90 to service this property or else I wouldn't have spend 6 plus hours doing the site survey.

I strongly recoommend that if you are working for or contracting with SMS that you think long and hard about the relationship and look at what exactly your getting for your money.

Contractors enough has been written on a dozen feedback boards that anyone who can read will know to steer clear of this massive trainwreck of a company. I wish I was smart enough to have done more research on SMS before agreeing to do anything.

Everything stated in this post is truthful and factual nothing has been fabricated or made up. I have and will continue to maintain records including all pictures and email correspondence as proof in the event I am sued. Posted two reviews because of character limitation.

Danger Will Robertson DANGER!!!!!!!!!!

This is worse than the Titantic. Employees at SMS folks don't stay very long just look at Glassdoor!!!!


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