Eva Marie Betts

4 years ago

I urge all pro-life Catholics to contact their loc...

I urge all pro-life Catholics to contact their local bishop and tell him that if Cdl. Cupich is elected Chair of the Pro-Life Committee at the General Assembly of US Bishops when they meet on November 13th, that they will stop ALL contributions to the Annual Call to Share Appeal. While Cupich was bishop of Portland, he FORBADE all parishes from participating in the 40 Days for Life, a program that has prevented 13,000 abortions. He also forbade his priests from praying in front of abortion clinics!! While in Chicago, he implied that the trafficking of aborted baby parts was no less appalling than immigration, poverty, and unemployment! He is all for letting pro-abortion politicians and sexually active gay couples go to Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin, a direct violation of Canon Law 915! He being the Chair of the Pro Life Committee would be a JOKE. Archbishop Naumann's record, on the other hand, is spotless regarding pro-life issues. Pray hard to Our Lady that Archbishop Naumann is elected. If Cupich is elected however, pro-life Catholics should fight back and immediately stop all contributions to the Call to Share Campaign.


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