James Colombo

3 years ago

Man, where to begin? Here's some perspective from ...

Man, where to begin? Here's some perspective from a former supervisor. I even saw Christopher Tyler give a one star below, and he was my supervisor at one point.
If you need a job like yesterday, look no further. They'll contact you in a heartbeat after an online application. I mean, the turnover rate should tell you something right there. You get paid bi weekly, and "coincidentally", you might just get shorted your paycheck if you voice a concern, and if you don't catch it, consider yourself robbed. It's a petty little retaliation they have turned around and blamed on error.
The armed guards in Richmond get plenty of hours, but, for carrying a weapon and getting shot at every other day, it's really not worth it. It got really bad at one point because on one of the properties, a guard started ignoring the people's fourth amendment and went around frisking indiscriminately. So then the streets fought back by putting a hit on the guy. The security office and vehicle got shot up and hit with bricks more than once. Made it unsafe not just for the guard and whatever unlucky partner he got that day, but for everyone there. As a company, ASG has turned a blind eye to this. Either you fire the guy or you stop sending him there, it's as simple as that.
Now, let's move on to Virginia Beach, where I have more perspective.
When it isn't summer or beach week, the guards on post take a cut in hours, which causes a good amount of otherwise good workers to look elsewhere for work. The office in Richmond does nothing to keep these people motivated, and I think they're just glad to be about a hundred miles away. I recall as many as three callouts or no-shows a night, and I was expected to do their work on top of my own. Now, here's the real kicker: they wanted me to sign the timesheet on the posts so they can bill the hotel, but I never saw a dime of that money. You know, the money the guard working the post is supposed to get? ASG is cheap and unethical that way. They expect you to carry on when they want to push back the pay period during holiday time, saying they're trying to "practice better business ethics" (true story) when they're, in reality, buying more Impalas and Crown Vicks for the more-favored Richmond side of the business.
If you want rank, you can earn it easily, but, ask for a raise first, because it doesn't necessarily come with it. Also, when I spoke up for my guards, who were hurting financially with this surprise week in the hole at the worst possible time of the year, I got the whole "I'm sorry for how you feel" email. The receptionist is plain incoherent or intentionally passive aggressive like that.
It's hard enough to earn respect as a security guard, being less than law enforcement and all, and so on post, in order to get these contracts, you, as a guard, are expected to do demeaning tasks such as room service deliveries and sliding reciepts under doors. But, if all of this doesn't scare you off, and you like working overnight at the Oceanfront, be my guest. On most nights, the hardest part of the job is just staying up, and that's why it's so sad when the supervisors and management make the job harder than what it should be. It gets live on Fridays and Saturdays, and watching the sun rise over the ocean is better than free coffee. The best thing they ever did for me was mail me my W-2 two days after I called them, and that's only because the big bad feds supercede their little LLC. Maybe you're ex law enforcement or military or a college student who needs something, anything. Go anywhere but here. They can't be as bad as this. Go get the fair wage and respect that you won't get here elsewhere. If you go in there with a positive attitude, you will be soured. You'll be undercompensated, overburdened with tedious regulations, and disrespected the most by the people who sign your paychecks.


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