Ranning Sun

4 years ago

Be mindful of who you are putting in charge of you...

Be mindful of who you are putting in charge of your child's education. Firsthand account- The teachers are very hard working and caring individuals who give 100 % for the children they are assigned to. However, it is the administrative make-up that should be of concern. When the student population is predominately African-American and Latino and all the school administrators are Whites who don't live in the area, have never attended an inner city school and don't understand what it means to be black or Hispanic in American- you need to me mindful. The administrators state they are there to make a difference, and that they are teaching the children to advocate for themselves, and that they are giving the children they are educating a voice so that they can make changes in the world. However this is simply not true- children are not allowed to speak, staff are manipulated, treated and handled with no regard, and required work long extended hours with little to no regard to personal or health. Also, know that students are given only about 40 minutes of extracurricular time a day, no recess, students are not allowed to talk or interact during lunch, teachers have no planning or breaks everything is controlled and micro-managed by the administrative team including meeting. Parents are not allowed to visit classrooms or observe during the day. A very controlling and manipulative environment. Be mindful of who you are putting in charge of your children.

The principal of the school treats the minority staff members comparably different from the Caucasian staff member, she is highly manipulative and secretly vindictive, along with the other two Caucasian female administrators. She is the type of person that will say that she loves all people, but really, she just tolerates minorities as long as they are stay in line.

I highly caution any African American seeking employment to reconsider your options, you will be mistreated, passively abused and manipulated Any African American parent seeking an educational environment for your child beware...


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