Jeff Peng

3 years ago

Hudson Bay Company

Hudson Bay Company
(English: The Hudson's Bay Company, HBC; French: Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson; used to be translated as a company or a cautious company)
Founded in 1670, it was the first commercial joint stock company established in North America and one of the earliest companies in the world. The company was once the world's largest landowner, and its Rupert's Land occupies a large area of North America. The headquarters of the company's headquarters is located at the York factory on the shores of Hudson Bay, where the company has controlled most of the fur trade in British North America for many years. The company also undertook the development and exploration of the early North American continent, which was the actual government structure of parts of North America before the establishment of the European colony. Its merchants and trappers have established partnerships with many local indigenous tribes, and its network of stations has gradually evolved into the official structure of Canada and parts of the western United States.
Hudson's Bay Company sold the Rupert Territory to the newly formed Canadian Dominion on November 19, 1869, and the Canadian government officially took over the land on July 15, 1870. As its monopoly on fur trade was abolished, the company entered the commodity market and sold necessities to new immigrants in western Canada. Today, the company is the most famous department store in Canada. The Hudson Bay Company Archive is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
On January 26, 2006, the Hudson's Bay Board of Directors unanimously agreed to Jerry Zucker's $15.25 bid ($14.24 per share), ending the long-standing dispute between the company and the Southern California billionaire shareholder. In a press conference on March 9, 2006, HBC announced that Jerry Zucker would replace George Heller as the new chairman and CEO, and he became the company's first US leader.
In 2007, the Hudson Bay Company's record became part of the UNESCO World Memoirs. This record contains the history of the company since its inception in 1670. It also includes transaction records, medical records, employee personal diaries, inventory records, company reports, and more. The HBC company record is considered to be one of the earliest records in modern history. Hudson Bay Company (English) (French)


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