Harrison Swift
Review of Blitz Paintball

4 years ago


After playing here every Saturday for the last 5 weeks. I can say that this is without a doubt the safest and most efficiently well ran paintball field I've been to. The refs are very professional when the game starts and are spot on when making sure everyone is following the rules of the game. If you happen to step out of bounds, they are able to yell loud enough to let you know so you can fix your position before being called out. Yes, they yell at you during game play and even after if you are about to walk out of the area with no barrel bag or a mask, etc. They aren't yelling at you to be mean, they are yelling to you to let you know that you need to be safe and to ensure everyone else is safe. If you have any questions or problems you can approach any ref and they will address the issue and try to help if they can. Another thing I have noticed is the refs are great at helping the new or younger generation get into the game and help them with their equipment and will answer any questions. Definitely a great place for a beginner or expert. I won't play anywhere else unless I'm out of state. The paint and fees are also great. The same paint they sell at the field sells for 4$ more on amazon. They have made it into an affordable sport.

First review:
I went today with a couple my friends. Its been about 10 years since I have last played. My Tippmann 98 had an issue and Ty diagnosed it while doing a check and they were able to fix it for me for only $10 (fast too only about 30 minutes). I was also able to get a mask there for only $45 and it's a good one. The store that they have is great for being at their field.

The game play was great. The refs were on point and made sure to keep things safe and did a good job of keeping people moving and making sure they were heard. The fields that they have and the games are fun. The courses are awesome. There also is a lot of people that show up so you have big teams. The only thing that would be better is if there were some single elimination in the public matches. I am now going to begin playing regularly after this experience.


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