Hannah Furrer

3 years ago

My room was broken into. I know for a fact that ho...

My room was broken into. I know for a fact that hotel staff (who isn't in house keeping uniforms) have been walking in and out of guests rooms and leaving the halls through the emergency exits when they see guests coming through the halls, and I am appalled by the way your management team is handling this matter.

The first thing I was asked was whether or not I had left the door open. I had not, and I can't believe that this is protocol. I know you guys have security do a walk through of each floor and notate if a room door is even slightly ajar, and I asked them if they saw it open, to which they responded no.

I asked them to go through video footage because I know you guys have cameras and because I have a right to know as a paying customer who was in my room, how they got in and why they were there, although why seems pretty obvious. When I inquired about the footage, Rosa told me you guys were "further investigating." Investigate all you want. I want to know who was in there and if it was someone who works for your hotel. After I called customer service, they called Rosa who told them to let me know that I was the only one with access to my room... So reading between the lines I can only assume that she means no one broke in and that my husband and I are imagining the man that was standing in our doorway at 5:30 in the morning.

You guys have the footage. If it's someone who works for you, I expect you guys would have a lot of legal trouble on your hands once it gets out that your staff is breaking into peoples rooms at all hours of the night and stealing from your guests. And if it wasn't staff, if it was someone else, I'd like to know how they got in my room in the first place without a key. Maybe you guys should change all the locks. Maybe there should be a better system in place. Maybe you guys should give me answers and focus more on protecting your guests and their personal belongings rather than worry about protecting yourselves.

Thank God my husband was there because I was breastfeeding my 8 month old child when my door was opened and a man walked in through the door way.

I have already contacted the BBB, and I would like answers -not a free cup of coffee from Starbucks.


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