
3 years ago

I just left because a cockroach was crawling up my...

I just left because a cockroach was crawling up my leg in the bed I was assigned to as a admitted patient to the hospital.

Update: They were bedbugs, not cockroaches. I just spoke to Melissa Sundin, the Assistant Director, and she said that "she will look into it.

I also failed to mention that the Environmental Services team that came to my room went through my belongings without my permission. My wallet, phone, laptop and other valuables were in my laptop bag that they rummaged through.

The Supervisor of Environmental Services then threatened to throw my belongings away. Of course, I did NOT let that happen, but this so called Supervisor, Mr. Dorsett, thought it was within his "power" to do so.

President Trump said in his speech last night that the new VA Accountability Act will assure that "Any VA employee that treats a veteran poorly or disresoecfully will be fired!" So we'll see if the Tampa VA executes what the President said. Mr. Dorsett is exactly what is wrong with the VA. Employees that feel entitled, and think their job is so secure that they can treat Veterans any way they want to without any repercussions.

I will be contacting Congressman Gus Billarakis to have a Congressional Inquiry into wether or not Associate Director Melissa Sundin is following through with the President of the United States position on firing VA Employees who treat veterans like dirt.


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