George F

4 years ago

Quality wise:

Quality wise:
The quality of the services can be improved. Every time I go with my car for them to fix it they always forget to put back a screw, a cap, a hose. Last time they forgot to put back a hose for the turbine and it was sucking air directly from outside (not from air filter) and it was making a strange noise. When I went to ask them to balance the wheels, they broke 2 wheel bolts, which they changed in warranty, but the new nuts they installed are different than the rest of the nuts.

Price wise:
They try to rip you off with each and every visit. They have an employee which is in charge of pricing. He always gives smaller prices when you ask for a quote and almost always I ended up paying a lot more than what he said. And they refuse to accept the first quote giving the reason "the computer had malfunctioned". Unfortunately, there is only this guy in charge of prices and all other dealers from Belgium call him for a price quote.

I wanted to change a cracked stop light. He said it's 160 euros. I went next day to order and he said the price changed, now is 375 euros.

I wanted to do the service (oil, filters, etc.) I asked how much, everything included. He said 170 euros. After the service, the bill was 450 euros (for the basic service, nothing else changed).


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