Lonnie Meador

3 years ago

I cant believe the way I was treated here. have be...

I cant believe the way I was treated here. have been very lucky to be healthy. I pray that after the Pateint advocatecallsmeback they can take care of the problems that had happened.
This morning I had to go I because of severe back pains from accident on Sat. The gecko went ok. The lady was nice and understood it hurts for me to sit and let me stand as she took my BP and vitals.
She took me to my room where a physicans assistant entered . I explained to him what had happened. His demeanor was very ugly. I told him I can Noah on my back because of the pain . He did not listen to me at all. He then began to smirk and made a snide comment about the fact I was there for drugs!!! I told him that if he took the time to read the chart he would see that I do not take Narcotics because they make me very sick.
He accuse me of being there for Drugs!!!!
I have never done drugs not do I drink .
As soon as he started smirking . I told him that I wil go some where else. He then said " oh we can treat you and give you drugs " omg REALLY? I told him after he made is snide remarks and smirks . After he treated me like I was dirt because I did not know how the gown worked. Sorry but I not sure about those thing. I told him it was best I seem other medical advice. He was not going to treat me fairly.
As I was leaving the door would not open I. The emergency room. I asked they open the door so I may leave. A nurse came out and asked me what happened. I told her and she asked I wait on the administrator . As I was waiting a big security guard came out and told me to sit down. I told him I can not sit that my back is injured and I am waiting for this person. He then got mad his face changed and told me I had to leave the hospital.
I told him I was leaving was told to wait. He told me he was kicking me out because I refused to go low his orders. REALLY?!Is this the way your hospital treats people ? If they hav a problem you send out some security officer to threaten me?
As I as leaving I told him how sorry of human he is. I asked if his mother taught him to treat injured people this way ? He said he got me and my info . That means he will see me outside the hospital somewhere. So this is who you hire ? Foul mouth securty officers? That threaten the patients ? WOW THEY NEED TO VIEW CAMERAS AND SEE HOW HE ACTED.


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