3 years ago

Doc that I saw was nice and ordered a steroid inje...

Doc that I saw was nice and ordered a steroid injection for my neck for herniated disc. However its been 3 weeks and Im still not scheduled. I tried to set up the appt before I left and they told me no, that they will call me. No one ever returns my calls even though the answering machine says they return calls within 24 hours. Everytime I get a real person they cant shcedule me or answer my question and I just get transferred to the same machine. At this point I assume its the "we dont want to deal with you" machine.
I finally got a call to schedule the injection. The schedular just said "injection" so im glad I asked for what because she had me down as a lumbar injection. I dont have lumbar probs and have never even been seen for a lumbar issue?! Im glad I didnt assume that they know what they are doing. She couldnt even schedule my neck injection because thats not what the paperwork said. I feel bad for the person who needs that lumbar injection and probably wont get it since they mixed up the paperwork. Or who knows? Maybe they will get my neck injection? Injections an injection right?


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