
kkolberg 47

4 years ago

Horrible service.

Horrible service.

I had a 2 hour wait longer than my original appointment time so they could assist other people with appointments an hour after my original scedual. The doctors were very rude and would constantly call me obese or fat which I am not. The doctor would Say things to the nurses as they would assist her on how I m not able to remember specific dates of the top of my head and implied on how I am stupid for not understanding what was going on with my body and needed to go to the clinic to figure out what was happening. Not only that but she would rant to me on how dumb the other doctors were or other nurses. The nurses decided to give me a shot on the top of my shoulder and were not gentle what so ever. I wouldn t not recomend this place to anyone and will further more never see this place again with any means necessary.


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