Agnes T.H

3 years ago

This review is specifically about the ER team.

This review is specifically about the ER team.
If you like 3rd world country medicine and if you feel like waiting unattended for hours in extreme pain in a Lobby while RN health"care"personnel don t give a damn, then by all means come here!
I drove my adult son to their ER with a serious kidney issue, he was poorly evaluated and released from their ER. Few hours later we had to come back due to their I-really-don't-care standard-of-care. We already had waited several hours the first time, but even with him screaming in pain in a wheelchair, they did not feel that they were even remotely responsible for evaluating and treating him so poorly in first place so they kept him waiting for another round of HOURS in the lobby with no pain management while there were literally 2 patients (plus 2 after us) total waiting in this lobby!
ER Triage Nurses going back and forth, rude, idle, uncaring, empty minded and useless, having little meetings about their vacations, laughing while patients were left untreated sitting there. After few hours waiting watching my son in agonizing pain I finally went to one of the triage nurses who were sitting there doing nothing else than chatting with one another and demanded he be seen right away (we were first in line and waiting for hours already). She started to argue that they "were full" I showed her the lobby pointing out that there were only a hanful of patients. She replied that they were full "back there" which turned out was a complete lie since shortly after, when my son was finally taken in, half of the ER boxes were empty and clean (meaning that the patients did not just leave minutes ago). Bottom line not only were the triage nurses quite obviously unwilling to do their job and keep the cases moving but they were also unprofessionally contributing to patients worsening condition.
The epitome of Incompetence and ill-will at their paramount! Thankfully there was a change in shift and the new team understood clearly that it was serious and admitted him right away. He remained hospitalized and will undergo surgery tomorrow (his condition has not worsened it is just that the previous team was not thinking of doing the right diagnosis, they were trying to pull a fast one and were clearly making patients feel that they were an utter annoyance to them!)

To Laura @Sutter PR: Quit answering that you are truly sorry on social media, you truly are not sorry, you are trying to make people believe that Sutter really cares.
Look at the reviews, if Sutter really cared, they would TAKE ACTION and ensure that this type of incompetent and dangerous personel is fired or put in an office where they are nowhere near patients.That's how you make good by your patients. Not by giving it some lip service! Your fake sympathy just adds insult to injury.


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