Stephen S.

3 years ago

As every apartment complex you have your pros and ...

As every apartment complex you have your pros and cons. Bozzuto probably has it's worst cons. I live in The Daley Apartments and they are in the middle of selling the building. With that customer service in my complex went right out the door.
When it started to get warm out my complex's whole first floor became infested with millipedes. Guess where I live, the FIRST floor which means my apartment is now infested. It has now been over 2 month since my unwanted roommates (millipedes) moved in that I now have to buy pesticide to kill them because the cheap exterminator that they have is useless. When I talked to the office about it I was told that they can't treat the building for bugs beforehand because they don't know what is going to show up and it is because of the amount of rain we have gotten along with a bunch of other excuses.
I moved from Florida which is one of the insect capitals of the world where it rains a lot. I never had any issues with bugs in my apartment complexes because the complex treated the property regularly.
Some of the office staff is great while others blow you off and make excuses for the problems. In stead of being proactive and looking for problems they would much rather wait for the resident to tell them about the problem and deal with the bigger problem instead. Your customer service can be proactive or it can be reactive which is the worst and that is how this complex is. I will surely be thinking long and hard before I move into a Buzzuto Property again.


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