Review of Mondo Birbo

4 years ago

I'm sorry to go against the trend, here I only rea...

I'm sorry to go against the trend, here I only read positive judgments, my experience is that after spending, good money too, I was treated with fish in the face, discourtesy, delays, quotes that increase on delivery, without however noticing, boh! it will be that I dislike him.

in response to you:
1) the nickname is what it is (great record by Miles D. that I / you recommend) and certainly not to hide me, so much so that nn it took you a long time to understand who I was, after all if you open there are two beautiful videos of mine with a big face, so you have to see the bad faith where it is.
2) I live in the statute, you are in Gavinana, by phone you never know who answers, after which you resented
(I'm sure you're Federico but who knows') because I said I was "pissed", you didn't ask yourself why obviously; well know that the reasons are different, on some I went over, strong of an unshakable trust due to the fact that you have been advised by a dear friend. Actually, as long as it was a question of buying everything ok, as soon as we went to the assistance, here are the flaws; I tell you right away that in my opinion your problem is that you don't communicate among yourselves, because all our problems (between me and you) come from there:
1) change hard drive with ssd I am made a price that increases by 50eu on delivery (on 250eu you understand that nn is a quisquiglia), when I present it to the technician he also answers me hard-nosed, and okay by maybe it is nervous that day.
2) keyboard problem to change: I call several times and pingpongate me day by day.
at the end Luca makes an appointment, I come to the shop (so skip half a day), Luca is there but the secretary tells me that I have to go over the next week, and I already start to make my evaluations.
Monday I call convinced that we are there, the technician still replies that he tells me that we go 1/2 months later, I tell him that there is no and that I find another assistance at this point and mister good manner nn you can obviously leave escape an opportunity to respond in his own way and tell me to do what I want
After that 'Faith we come to us, I call you and tell you that I am pissed off (demonstration that I don't do things secretly nor much less behind me) and you, "then I'm pissed too", nn by chance to ask me what happened, since the relationships between us were always more than friendly, okay (too many okay don't you think?), you fix the appointment: you say you said at 9.30 , I don't remember it but we admit you are right, I call you to tell you that I arrive at 11.30 / 12.00, that is two hours later and you tell me that I skip everything for a delay of two hours AFTER ALL THAT IT HAPPENED? no sorry but we are not there. Just communication problems between you I will not explain otherwise.

P.S. last but not least, this shot was also spared me, but when I read your answer that basically overturns everything that has REALLY happened I have not seen it anymore, in Naples it is said horned and hammered and sincerely also not.


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