Braxton Banks

4 years ago


UNDER NO CIRCUM STANCES SHOULD YOU DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY!! There's so much to say I don't know where to start. They opened two accounts in our name, Jill Heimerle, did not bother to look into our business name and opened a whole new account to get us the correct card reader when all she had to do was take the old one back and send us the correct one. Instead, so she would make commission, she opened us a new account. Furthermore, they had our email wrong on the first account so I never got a bill, but was sent to collections anyways. I had to pay $124.00 just to get out of collections and have the first account closed. Jill also lied to use about the amount of fees we would be charged and unfortunately for us we took her at her word. There's more but I don't want you to get board reading this. In conclusion, absolutely do not do business with this bank unless you read the contract and know what you are signing up for, we were promised much and received little. Furthermore, no one was willing to help us in customer service try and resolve our issues.


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