Not Going

3 years ago

I am writing this review to warn others about a vi...

I am writing this review to warn others about a vicious employee who works for EJF. I was attending a meeting at the cooperative where I live which EJF manages. Shortly after entering I complained about not being provided a key bit of information regarding the outcome of an election that sought to amend our bylaws and then questioned when that information would be provided. The complaint was taken and the question was answered without any issues.

A few minutes later, I tried to voice another complaint and it was at that point that the portfolio manager, Mira Brown, decided to snap and say that this meeting was not the appropriate venue to make a complaint, which sounded extremely strange given the fact that I had literally made a complaint minutes ago. Even worse, all of a sudden she frantically tried to get me to identify myself insinuating that I was not eligible to speak in the virtual meeting despite the fact that I had typed my personal information in the chat when I arrived at the meeting. I explained that I saw that others got the opportunity to speak during other special purpose meetings in the past and voice their complaints but she still would not listen to me.

After the end of the meeting, I chose to file a complaint with the cooperative s property management office asking Mira Brown to explain the confusing and rude actions that she decided to take during the meeting as well as to quote from the governing documents and highlight the text that specifies what business is and is not authorized to be conducted at special purpose meetings. Mira did not respond despite the fact that I have witnessed her respond to an email filed with the management office in the same day. Anyone interested in hiring EJF should consider this encounter before hiring the company as it showcases the mentality their employees have.


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