Lily Mazon

3 years ago



I would not recommend anyone I know to get a season pass with Valley Fair for multiple reasons. We purchased 3 (THREE) fast lane passes on top of season pass prices and each time we came, we were told while in line that we had to wait for the regular line. That we didn't have priority even though we paid that extra money. Our average wait time with ZERO people in front of us in the fast lane, and many, many people in the regular line was 10-15 minuets. The most important reason I would never recommend paying for a season pass is because of the staff. We have an 8 year old with a handicap, he has a prosthetic leg. While in line waiting, a very rude staff member told my 8 year old son he was not allowed on the ride till he pulled his shorts up to show him (and everyone else in line) the rest of his prosthetic. We know what rides we are allowed on and we have shown in private at the office that his leg is secure and will not come off during a ride. This employee argued with me in front of everyone that was now watching to see why the line wasn't moving, and he also extremely embarrassed my son. The staff that work for Valley Fair, more specifically the ones that operate the rides and the food stands have no customer service and have no issue being completely disrespectful towards you and your children.

*Update* Just heard back from someone finally. They offered us a one day fast lane pass and a few dining passes. They tried to tell me what I could do differently next time to avoid our son being embarrassed. Which is have a blue slip. A blue slip is for any disabled or handicap person, so they can bypass the line and enter through the exit. We did have one of those after finding about about it, which was after we purchased our season passes with fast lane. Any parents or caregivers should know if you have a disabled/handicap person in your life, if you get them a season pass, you can get a free season pass. It's called a caregiver pass. You also don't need to get fast lane because the blue slip works exactly the same. Just be prepared for uneducated workers to possible embarrass the person with the handicap.


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