Ziyanda Cishe

3 years ago

Today my boyfriend and I went to Felix for dinner ...

Today my boyfriend and I went to Felix for dinner and a drink because he is going to be out of town so we wanted to go do something. We went there because when we last went, it was Latitude, and we had never been disappointed by the service and the food. We sat down and waited for a while before anyone came to take our drinks order. When the waitress eventually came, I ordered a glass of Baronne and my boyfriend ordered a Draught. After waiting a while for the drinks, she comes back and tells me that they dont have the Baronne but they will check if the hotel has it. We acknowledge this and continue to wait. 40 minutes later... nothing. No food, no draught, no Baronne (the hotel is extremely close to Felix). Eventually, we see the supervisor come back with the wine. We continued to be patient thinking it wouldn't be much longer but we were wrong. The bartender seemed unable to open the bottle and another while longer the draught and the food arrived, still no Baronne. The waitress said the bartender is trying to open the wine. Eventually the wine came and it was accompanied by a white wine glass with ice in it. I asked for a clean glass and it was brought for me (Still a white wine glass). When I started pouring my wine, it had several cork pieces inside. This was now nearly an hour after we sat down. We had been patient but we had now had enough. My boyfriend went to speak to the bartender to show him the cork pieces but he said he wanted to go get change. Eventually the ogetic, however it was too late for the impression that we now had of the place. The supervisor offered me different wine but I was no longer in the mood to stay as it had already been over an hour of a terrible experience. As we were about to pay and leave, the supervisor said we can leave the food and he will cancel the meal. (my boyfriend only had a few sips of his draught, I hadnt had anything to drink since we got there and we had not even made it halfway through our food). Sadly, it seems the supervisor was the only one there who took us seriously. The entire experience was dreadful.


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