Jessica Morton

4 years ago

WORTH THE READ! My experience with Vintage Car Was...

WORTH THE READ! My experience with Vintage Car Wash was HORRIBLE and is worthy of negative stars (if only...)

Very rarely do I post a negative review for a business. As a business owner myself, I am well aware of how damaging negative reviews can be. Unless I am absolutely appalled by the service, treatment, and/or product, I keep my mouth shut and let my lack of return business do the talking. That said...

Vintage Car Wash wins the award for Worst "Professional" Experience of the Past Decade. And I'll tell you why.

I had just sold my truck to a first-time car owner that morning. This young man had saved up his hard-earned money for several years to afford this vehicle. I wanted to make sure the truck looked its absolute best for my buyer, since it was his first vehicle purchase. This was a special day for him.

I told my buyer that I would get the truck washed and he could pick it up the next morning. I immediately drove to Vintage Car Wash because I had heard that they did a great job, and I wanted some hand detailing to make the truck really sparkle. I tipped the employee who finished the job extra because he spent so much time on it, even though it was a very busy afternoon.

First thing I did when I got home was to ask my husband to take a picture of me sitting on the tailgate. We come along the back of the truck and the first thing we notice is a BIG DENT in the previously unblemished bumper. Awesome. There had been NO DENT that morning when I had shown the truck to the buyer (and his two parents), who looked it over top to bottom. And I hadn't driven the truck anywhere else but Vintage Car Wash. The only place that dent could have occurred was at the car wash - when someone else was driving my truck.

I immediately called Vintage and left a message, calmly explaining the situation and asking them to give me a call back. I then called the buyer and told him what had happened. I also offered to take several hundred dollars off the sale price to help him with making the repair.

The next morning I drove the truck over to Vintage to show them the damage and talk to a manager. The staff and management on duty were very courteous, apologetic, and understanding. They took my name and number and said they would have their owner Phil give me a call.

It's about to get real...

Phil calls me about 2 hours later while I am sitting in my office filling out the bill of sale with my buyer and his parents. Again, I calmly explain the situation and that I suspect the damage happened at the car wash. Phil tells me he will look at the video cameras (of which he has like 6 or something) and get back to me. I say "ok, but how will I know if your cameras caught the damage...can you actually see that level of detail with all the cars that were stacked together?"


Phil blows his top. He starts slamming me, saying "my cameras catch it all" and told me that he thought I was a "scammer," a "liar", and that I was "feeding [him] a load of bullshit." He threatened me with "if I review those videos, and I don't find anything, then I know you made this all up and you're nothing but a scammer." I sit in shock for a second - as do my husband, my buyer, and his parents, who can all hear Phil YELLING at me THROUGH MY PHONE. I calmly tell him, "excuse me...stop. You can't talk to customers like that." To which the erudite Phil replied, "I'LL TALK TO YOU HOWEVER THE HELL I WANT." Then he hung up on me.

Needless to say, Phil never got back to me. If he ever reviewed the videos (something I highly doubt), I'll never know. I do know that he is a HORRIBLE business owner and is not only not worthy of my business, but doesn't deserve the business of anyone else. And he's a true loser in this world of social media. This is only the first of many negative reviews I will leave for Vintage Car Wash, and I have made a habit of letting everyone I know to stay away from there.

Apparently Phil forgot that there is business insurance to cover damage like this.

However, there is NO INSURANCE to cover abusing a customer.


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