3 years ago

TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. I recently moved to the Lans...

TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. I recently moved to the Lansing area. I called BCN and said I needed a new doctor. They said I had to establish a new primary care physician. They pointed me towards where I could find someone in network.

I set an appointment with a Sparrow doctor, using the list on the BCN website. When I called I specifically stated that "I am setting this appointment for the purpose of establishing a new primary care physician in the area." Unfortunately, they didn't bill it this way. Now, they refuse to change how they coded it. BCN says Sparrow needs to rebill/recode it and they will pay. I keep calling Sparrow who says they can't help and refers me back to BCN. Then, BCN refers me to Sparrow. This has been going on for months ALL BECAUSE IT WASN'T BILLED RIGHT TO BEGIN WITH.

On my latest call to Sparrow they said it was my fault. Apparently, before the appointment I should have known to go into BCNs site, dig through their site for an hour, and found a place to put the new doctors name in. But, it can't be backdated. Not sure why they didn't tell me that before the appointment. BCN didn't tell me that when I called either (they said Sparrow should have billed it that way). Now, it's too late. I was fully insured and followed instructions given to me. I'm stuck with a bill, through no fault of my own.

I sit here now and I CAN'T BREATH. The doctor will not fill my asthma medication. They won't refill a prescription THEY PRESCRIBED FOR BREATHING ISSUES, because I haven't paid the bill. I haven't paid the bill because I was trying to get this billing issue resolved. Nobody will help me. THEY WON'T FILL ASTHMA MEDICATION, DURING COVID, even though I'm working through a billing issue. My life is at risk over $100 bill that my doctor and my insurance company are trying to pin on me. Now I have to wait for my asthma to get bad enough that I can go to the ER - I can't seem to get into a new doctor any time soon to get needed medication prescribed.

Fortunately, state of Michigan employees just had open enrollment. So on 10/1 I have new insurance and can find a better doctor. Unfortunately, I may not make it that long because I'm struggling with breathing issues as we speak, I can't get my asthma prescription, and COVID is spreading like wildfire in the Lansing area because of the college kids who spend all week partying and then staff all of the delivery services.


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