
4 years ago

Flores has administered a plan for my employer for...

Flores has administered a plan for my employer for several years. A week ago I'd have said they were fine but a week ago I'd never had to deal with them to resolve a problem. They not only dropped the ball, resulting in headaches and fees for me but have the most infuriating customer service I've encountered in ages. I participate in the QTE program, allowing me to pay for parking with pretax dollars. Flores didn't roll that balance over to 2021 for me or my coworkers causing my parking charge to be declined. I was told by my company's HR rep that Flores was having an "issue" and it would be corrected that afternoon (Jan 4th). The Parking co is assessing a late/declined fee. Flores essentially told me through my HR rep it wasn't their problem. I called their office to speak to the account manager directly but she'd already left for the day with the issue not yet resolved. I was handed over to Luke (If I remember correctly) who told me the money had now been rolled over to my account but wasn't yet available on my card so I shouldn't tell the parking company to run it again just yet. The late fees? Not their concern. When I pointed out that I was incurring a penalty due to their error, he advised me that they aren't legally obligated to roll the money over in time for the payment draft and any late charges are not their concern. I lost it. I'm not one to unload on a customer service rep but this kid's attitude was more than I could bear. I don't understand how they don't know (since this is their business) that the money needs to be rolled over before the drafts hit. The attitude they take after dropping the ball like that is appalling. I'm stuck with them b/c of my employer and they know it. Mistakes happen but the attitude I encountered is a sure sign of deep rooted problems with their corporate culture.

Update: As you can see they replied to make it appear they'd work to resolve it. Don't be fooled. They didn't do a thing - even when my employer's HR Director reached out to them personally. I see they have plenty of positive reviews but notice that none of the positive ones cite examples of them resolving an issue for the reviewer.


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