4 years ago

I am baffled by the bill I received from this hosp...

I am baffled by the bill I received from this hospital. I went to the ER with a high fever. Service from the staff was very welcoming. They took a swab and tested me positive for the flu. Gave me one Tamiflu pill, chest x-ray and breathing treatment (neither one were needed as the doctor had already informed me that my lungs were clear just by listening with the stethoscope). All in all I was in and out within less than 1 hour. Couple of weeks later I received a bill for upwards of $10,000. Are you kidding me? Who pays $10,000 for the flu? This is outrageous!!! I called the billing dept and they are looking into it. I am hoping they made a billing error. My update will be posted soon!

4/18/19 update - still waiting to hear the outcome of your investigation. Is someone going to contact me? Or is there anyone I should contact?


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