Beverly Nlemchi

3 years ago

Something wrong with prior review. I am now includ...

Something wrong with prior review. I am now including the complaint I sent to the Texas Attorney General's office.

I have been at my current (no longer current, moved 6/23) residence since August 2017, never late with a payment. When it was time for me to renew my lease, I did not initially renew it...TR placed a lock box on the front door. When I started to receive calls for showing the property, I would request alternate times. I figured I could do this, no problem. When TR called to ask the reasons why I requested alternate times, I advised them that I am a teacher working from home as well as a mother of 3, homeschooling my children. I advised that I could do the showings after 5pm on weekdays and after 12pm on weekends. I advised of this time request on 5/20/2020.. TR proceeded to place a $300 trip charge on my account on said date. I sent numerous emails advising that I did not deny anyone entry. Advising that a trip charge implies that we had an appointment and I refused to allow someone to enter the property. I stated numerous times that this never occurred. I further advised that I just needed the showing at particular times in the day. It was within this email that I advised that my second child had suffered a TBI during a bone marrow transplant (immunocompromised) and subsequently she is disabled. I did not lead with this because I never lead with this and just assumed that they would understand my situation as a working mother of 3 children who also had to be homeschooled considering we are all working from home during this pandemic. I only advised of this when their representative stated that I could stay in the house while strangers come into my space during a global pandemic. That is when I wanted to make it clear to them how implausible that was for my particular situation. I pleaded with them to remove the unfounded trip charge...they repeatedly ignored me...repeatedly mentioned $1200 trip charge and $3000 if I made disparaging remarks against them. I then advised that I would allow no more showings if they do not remove the fees. Although I stated this, I still allowed showings within my aforementioned time frame. I allowed showings up until 5/23, when I woke up to a $75 late fee being applied to my account. How does one
apply a late fee to a charge that they just placed on my account three days prior? A late fee at the end of the month...is rent not due on the first, late by the third? I was confused, incredibly hurt and felt downright harassed. I sent them an email advising that I would no longer allow showings until they removed all fees from my account. From 5/23-6/3 they added $10 a day onto that late fee. I decided that they were giving me so much trouble, I might as well renew the lease and maybe they would stop...the entire thing just felt retaliatory to me and I am already stressed with everything that is going on in life. I signed the rental agreement on 5/24...it was a holiday weekend. When the returned to the office on 5/26, they voided the new lease agreement. I advised that I would need some time to secure housing as I had already cancelled my other option. I requested 3-4 months. When I went to pay the rent at the first of the month I realized that I could not pay the rent without paying the additional fees. I refused. I went to my bank and purchased a cashier's check in the amount of my prorated rent from 6/1-6/23 ($1334). I paid them. Then on 6/5/2020 I received a pay rent or quit notice...the "rent" owed was the $300 trip charge plus the $75 late fee ( they had since dropped the $10/day charge they added to that). I wrote a letter to them advising of my situation with my special needs child. Advising that they remove the $300 trip charge and subsequent late fee. I attached evidence to show that I never denied entry, prior to 5/23. I advised that I made a reasonable requests for them to allow me to state which times I was available for the showing considering I have a disabled child...even without a special needs child, my requests were reasonable. They proceeded to attach a


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