Corinne Pascal

3 years ago

The 'Block' was a public PR excercise which backfi...

The 'Block' was a public PR excercise which backfired on Victoria Police as a whole. I do agree that signing ' Statutory Declarations' is not nor should be used to complain, there are many alternatives. What is extraordinarily frightening about West Melbourne Police, is the lack of service, the aggressive nature of their personal behaviour towards people. The lack of training and insight into multi-culturarism and no idea about the Victorian Charter of Human rights. This station does not care if a person has been assaulted, or if a person is or has mental health issues, drug effected, god forbid if their skin colour is dark ( they must be violent youth African gangs / refugees) - Ridiculous right? They cannot manage a small woman who was unwell and needed an ambulance ( with 8 members of police holding her down yet she politely walked with them after being seriously assaulted) this tiny Asian woman was on the ground face pushed into concrete treated with inhumanity and unnecessary violence. Cheered on by racist Australians, and anyone who politely asked why the need for extreme violence? Was shunned and the ( gaggle of male City of Melbourne employees swearing, abusing and supporting, low standards in policing.) A Senior Police member making personal comments which were horrifying but recorded. This is a police Station whereby evidence is not respected, if you are a witness to crime & being threatened & interfered with, they do not care. To all non-Australians, tourists, and visitors don't expect help or assistance here. It's not Germany, France or EU. Police are rude; they are not polite, they don't understand multiculturism, and they are not going to treat you with respect. They do not have the experience, understanding nor the education which is required, and that should be mandatory. All captured on film and handed to a media person, who was with me at the time. #tourists #police will not protect you in Melbourne. Please be cautious. #recordeverything Sadly, there are exceptions to the rule, but they cannot shine in the quagmire in the pack but should be praised. Go to your Consulate! Record and be very careful. Australians want your money, tourisn and investments but racism prevails. #tourists #achtung #hati-hati #debile


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