
4 years ago

Yes, some of the locals have itchy rockets and mor...

Yes, some of the locals have itchy rockets and mortars, but they did try to keep us entertained. The much maligned poo pond wasn't that bad either. The first smell was awful, but on the good side, every breath after smelled like boiled eggs! We liked to drive past it with the windows partially rolled down without telling the new guys what was coming. Honestly, the trucks that cleaned out the porta-potties were far worse as far as smell goes. Heat, dust, sub-par pizza, boredom in large quantities, the color green being scarce and pot holes are some other things on the negative side. On the other side of the coin, Tim Horton's, TGI Friday's, and KFC. Outback Steakhouse even fed the base one time while I was there, and for that, I am truly thankful. I also made friends there, met people from many different countries, had some good times at the bazaar and got to see some things that I don't expect I'll ever see again. Many of the guys I worked with, despite saying they never wanted to come back to Afghanistan, soon expressed an interest in doing just that after getting home.


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