
suga limbu

4 years ago

Ok for me City cabs has gone from the best to wors...

Ok for me City cabs has gone from the best to worse. I have been living in edinburgh for about 12 years now and around 2012 I started working and started using city cabs. That time there was no automatic thing that sends the taxi to your address by pressing 1 on the dial when you call. It was the best service back then, when i was late for work, one call and its there within 5 to 10 minutes, no matter what day it was. Monday to sunday, no delay nothing. I was young back then so I use to sneak out of house to see my girlfriend or go out with my friends in the night and always used city cabs. It felt like i had my own private chauffeur, because boom boom fast service and everything.

However I think start of 2016, its gone worse for me personally. Now I am by no means saying that just because I have been using the city cabs for years and years I want them to treat me better or anything like that. But, I think for past two years I have been asking for the service during the same days of the week which is saturday and sunday same time in the morning every single week. This is what happens, at first, I do the automatic thing, ok taxi comes in about 10 mins, after a few months do the automatic thing again, taxi comes in about 15 minutes. Again fast forward few more months taxi comes in about 20 to 25 minutes. Now recently I habe had very bad experience, i dont know if this has happened to anyone else. So I do the automatic thing, i wait for the taxi about 20 to 25 minutes. Then the city cabs call me and i think the taxi is near but no. The same lady who use to pick my calls says to me oh is this .........(address) and i say yes and she says "where are you going" when she cleary knows where i am going, what my name is and every single details. And she says to me ok your taxi will be here soon so i wait anther 10 minutes and then the taxi comes. Its frustrating and happens to me very often for past few months. And get this, some times after the long wait i get the taxi and then while im on my way to work, another city cabs driver calls me saying that he is outside my door. I deliberately said sometimes because it happens very often. I also use city cabs for travelling to airport and this is no problem because i book the taxi a day ahead, but i feel like now i need do this every time i want a city cabs taxi.

So ive never wrote a review for anything in my life but i had to write this because it is just too frustrating, and seriously they should know their loyal customers. Now im trying see if there are other better taxi serivces. Thank you for your service so far.


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