Lucinda Keister

4 years ago

Yes, I love my perfect apartment.

Yes, I love my perfect apartment.
Yes, all the staff is friendly, knowledgeable and very, very helpful with their various jobs: dining, maintenance, secretarial, medical. There aren't any curt or short answers - just smiles and all the information and help you need.
Yes, the other residents respond to this safe and lovely environment in turn with cheer.
But this could be said of many CCRCs.
The special plus for Asbury that I appreciate is something unique among elder care facilities - the large and very beautiful grounds. Because the plot was purchased for AMV nearly 100 years ago, the campus is very large (143 acres). That means you can take a walk any time you wish, a long walk, among old-growth trees, towering above you, passing a large beautifully landscaped pond, gardens, flowers and flowering bushes.
It's remarkable how the feeling of freedom to enjoy nature on your own for however long you want to be out adds a unique dimension to living at Asbury.
And my children are very impressed, too! A point not to be underestimated!


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