4 years ago

Just wanted to make a comment about the comments. ...

Just wanted to make a comment about the comments. If you go to ANY NYC hospital's review, including those "prestigious" institutions in Manhattan, you will see a plethora of 1-star reviews on them with people complaining "THIS is the worst hospital ever!" and "I had to wait X amount of hours!" Well guess what? It's a hospital. It's not a restaurant. You are a patient, not a customer whose every whim and demand must be met. And there are other sick people waiting hours to be seen as well. If you don't like it, maybe you should stop voting for government representatives who don't care about your health. Or even better, feel free to go through 4 years of college-prep courses in high school, 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, 3-7 years of residency, and 2 of fellowship, with a quarter of a million dollars in educational debt so you can doctor yourself.

The reason we have a resurgence of terrifying antibiotic-resistant bacteria and an opioid crisis in this country is because providers feel pressured into giving antibiotics and Percocet to patients who will otherwise write bad reviews because the doctor didn't yield to their unreasonable demands. Seeing so many disgruntled people across the board -- no matter which hospital across the country you look at -- is sometimes more indicative of the kinds of patients they treat than of the institutions themselves.


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