4 years ago

I am only rating this hotel 3 out of 5 because of ...

I am only rating this hotel 3 out of 5 because of it s location. It is located within Nanjing Road and in front of People s Park. Taxi and subway are easily accesible within reach. This hotel miserably fail in staff customer service (based on personal experience). I guess you can blame it to language barrier. The frontdesk staff here doesn t seem like they were trained. They had difficulty getting their point across in english and unfortunately falter when faced with a difficult customer. My husband booked a reservation for 3 rooms good for a week. The frontdesk guy was mixing up information on our reservation- he was giving a wrong date of check out for 1 of the 3 rooms. My husband and I were like where the hell did you get that information from? My husband was losing his cool tbh. My husband showed the email confirmation of our hotel reservation to the FD staff just to make sure that we are all on the same page. The staff finally got it all right in the end. We got room upgrade but unfortunately 1 room got water leak in the bathroom a day before we leave Shanghai. Staff came in the room to check, they apologised, and offered us to be transferred to another room. My husband declined since we are leaving early morning the next day. They did not insist on offering anything else like dinner is on us something like that...note that it was new year s eve. Upon checking out, we encountered another booboo courtesy of the frontdesk staff. He was charging us 11k Yuan. Good thing that my husband got good math skills, he asked the guy to double check again referencing to the online booking made prior to this trip. It turns out we are only supposed to pay 7k Yuan. So guests, be warned and be conscious, don t just agree to anything the staff will tell you most especially about your reservation and fees. It s a shame but we customers should educate the staff for our own protection.


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