Adam Taylor

3 years ago

I'm not sure who is in charge at this course but l...

I'm not sure who is in charge at this course but let me get this message across to you the best way that I can. Today I experienced the WORST day of golf imaginable at this miserable excuse for a organized golf club and will do anything and everything in my power to get the 448 dollars my family has spent at this club back. Three men are to blame for this train wreck of a afternoon, I refer to them as red shirt, green shirt, and blue shirt. red shirt obviously makes a large impact on the rest of the crew on how they act. This man has obviously been given a the prestiges crown of butter brook grounds management and has placed himself on the throne of his own arrogance. this man is tan, balding, and has white hair. Might be hard to distinguish. I've never met a man who dishes out such a arrogant and disrespectful flare to full grown men and women who are, by the way, well respected VP's, Attorney's, and business owners who know plenty of wealthy golfers who, I assure, WILL NOT spend money at a club like this after our review. red shirt, started at hole number one. "2 rules, stay on the golf path, and play at the pace of the people around you." easy enough. wrong. hole number four. the arrogant red shirt prince has arrived once again to dish out his daily serving. let me give a setting. The people behind us, are family, and there not close, people behind them, FAMILY, then no one behind them for a hole and a half. There, now let me continue. red shirt continues to YELL at me and THREE other GROWN men that we need to move faster, TALKING IN MY BACK SWING, I HAD TO ACTUALLY WAIT FOR HIM TO STOP TALKING. So eventually we had to give the red shirt prince a talking to and he learned that talking to four grown men the most arrogant and disrespectful way that you can probably isn't something you should do, especially when the men that you are yelling at, have paid $448 dollars to be on the course. green shirt. not quite on the absurdity level as the red shirt prince but only because he's offspring, he's still learning to hunt. green shirt starts off with the easy looking pray, the women. that didn't go so well. after the man has been following around the women for a hole, one of the woman came to the quick realization that she didn't call in a baby sitter, he was gone shortly after he was given a talking to as well. blue shirt, he was just a stragglier, oh and by the way flipped off one of the grown men, that was interesting. Then one after the other red shirt, green shirt, blue shirt, nagged and whined at the paying customers all the way to the ninth hole. so there you have it, that was my PITIFUL excuse for a afternoon of golfing, maybe it would have been worth it if I was playing pebble beach or saint Andrews, but I wasn't, I was playing a course that isn't even that impressive to start out with. I have played over a hundred different clubs and not once have I nor my family been treated the way we were treated today. when, by the way, we were just trying to enjoy my aunts birthday.

The Taylors



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