Adviscus Adapt

4 years ago

If your Thinking about working here, TURN TAIL AND...

If your Thinking about working here, TURN TAIL AND RUN, Here's why.... I worked here as a lifeguard for 2 years, Swim Instructor for 3. When I was first Hired onto the job (19 years of age) all I had to do was fill out an application and make sure I passed my lifeguard certification. There was no background check done, even though my job was primarily to work with kids, but I figured because most of the people who work as lifeguards are teenagers maybe there was no need to check. My opinion of the company went from okay to bad, within the first year of working here.
Within my first year as a lifeguard, and the first instance where my EMPLOYEE RIGHTS were violated was when a child had thrown up in the pool, the management was to lazy to clean it up themselves, and wanted to save on time, so they put me into an unsafe situation, they had me put gloves on and get into a pool that had vomit all over it. I was then put straight back to work after cleaning up VOMIT from inside the pool. I was not even aloud a shower, but I was 19 and did not understand that they had violated my rights, at the end of my two years I went out for surgery, which to my surprise lasted a lot longer than it was suppose to, so I ended up leaving the company and was told once I recovered from my surgery that I could reapply, and they would gladly hire me back, having no money, and in need of a job, now being 21 years old, I reapplied. WORST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. Management had only been getting worse, but I needed the money, even if I was only making 50 dollars every two weeks, which is a load of crock by the way. So I stayed, within a month of being back at work. I watched someone else have their employee rights violated. DISCRIMINATION. We had a manager who was autistic, she was high functioning and ran swim lesson's she took her job seriously, but sometimes could not understand things on the first go, they took advantage of this woman. They would deliberately sabotage her to make her seem incompetent, belittle her in front of patrons, and just all out were unfair to her. Not at all how they treated other employees. They bullied her immensely, and TRUST ME SHE COMPLAINED TO UPPER MANAGEMENT, THEY JUST DID NOT CARE. Finally, she was pulled into a room where the assistant coordinator, and the pool supervisor. Forced her to give up her position as coordinator, even though she did nothing to really deserve being demoted, afterwards she was bullied so badly, that she ended leaving to go work at another pool. IF your wondering, they still make fun of her, AND SHE DOES NOT EVEN WORK AT THAT POOL ANYMORE. I've witnessed it. another thing that happened... Most of the 'managers' are 17-18 years so I don't think they quite understand what it means to keep your employees life secret. I have physical ailments, as I mentioned above about surgery. So at times I would have to sub as a swim instructor, instead of committing to a full schedule. (This is one of the only jobs that allowed me to do this, so I will give them props there, they were very helpful with people that had physical ailments and could not always uphold the physical means of the job. They would instead just have you slide attend, or sub for swim lessons.) I expected privacy on these matters, as I did not want my co-workers knowing why sometimes I would have to be in and out. However, every time I would come in to sub, they knew the exact reason I was gone, even when it came to a person going out to receive help for mental illness, YOU KNEW. Your personal life was everyone's business.

Anyway if you read all this and you still want to work for this company, all the power to you. oh, did I mention, I recently had to go out and just sub to do some PT for a month and my boss told everyone I quit? no, well that happened to. Even though there is a text message back and forth between us saying she approved of my subbing, but whatever. I'm glad to be done with this company, she saved me the trouble.

So yeah, if you don't mind discrimination, privacy, or workplace safety, good luck, and have fun.


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