Joan Fourie

4 years ago



Please can you provide contact detail for the organizers of Day of the Dinosaur for me to lodge a formal complaint.

We left all exited ticet in hand to attend the exhibition today 21 June 2014, arrived at the venue at 9 am, queued for over an hour in the main lobby not even moving 10 meters in this time and the queue now growing to out of the building down the street.

This is such an incredibile example of bad organisation, poor communiction etc. etc. I eventually made my way to the ticketing desk to ask how they are going to address this obviousy overbooked situation, just to be told that they are waiting on the organizers to provide guidance on if we can exchange the tickets for another day etc et, Well after another 30 minutes a single young woman came to the ticketting desk and was solely stamping tickets to be used sccording to them on any other day except tomorrow, no refunds offered.

This is pathetic, our enthusiasm has dwindled, how are they going to ensure we dont have another shockingly dissapointing expereince, if we decide to try again, comments like ' We did not expect such an outcome does not cut it, nor I am dealing with many irate customers you must understand' from the young women sent to stamp tickets for re-entry, surely some one in the organizing team should compare tickets sold to venue capacity etc, etc. Expect a Riot we left after about 2 hours and the situaution was completely out of control. Shame on the organizers, this SUCKS!!

In my opinioin we would not have been close to the exhibition in 4 hours or more,

Please advise, VERY DISSAPOINTED Day of the Dinsoaur disaster date. Who ever these organizers are they should be banned from EVER hosting another exhibition!


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