Ahmed Zaghlol

3 years ago

Poor Care

Poor Care
My wife has had an episode at 6:30pm on sunday ( 08/01/17)when I found her on the floor unconscious at home after I came back from work.

My wife is 26 weeks pregnant so I took her to the hospital immediately at the emergency they asked me to take her to the maternity word, the doctor checked her at around 6:40pm and she said that she is not sure what's wrong but we will give her IV and some pain killer and will get a female doctor to check her as my wife is Muslim and we would prefer a male doctor at a situation like this.

I was told the doctor will come in 10 minutes and when an hour passed and my wife was getting worth I went to see the nurses and I was told that I have to wait and we are too busy at the moment.
I waited until 11:40 and no one came to see my wife and decided to leave.
The nurses were sitting in room laughing and drinking tea and couldn't be bothered to help my wife at all.
there was a doctor sitting with the nurses when they were having a laugh and when i asked if some one can come and give her anthing to stop the pain they replied with bad attitude saying you have to wait.
i said if I can take my wife back to the emergency or even to maidstone hospital , they responded that you will be sent back here.
i don't understand how can someone in so much pain be left like that without any help.

I was expecting a lot better care than what I have received yesterday.

I can not find the words to express my feelings but I am going to do the best of my ability to avoid this from happening again to my wife or anyone else.


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